Flags with Methods
Three colours
Several countries have flags that contain three colors in vertical stripes.
Draw the flags of:
- France
- Romania
- Belgium
- Nigeria
- Sizes are:
- The small flags are 75 by 50
- The margins are 10
function drawFlag(ctx){ }
function drawFlag(ctx){ function tri(x,y,cl){ ctx.translate(x,y); cl.forEach((c,i)=>{ ctx.fillStyle = c; ctx.fillRect(i*75/cl.length,0,75/cl.length,50); }); ctx.translate(-x,-y); } ctx.fillStyle = 'gray'; tri(10,10,['red','white','blue']); tri(95,10,['red','yellow','blue']); tri(10,70,['black','yellow','red']); tri(95,70,['green','white','green']); }
Nordic cross
Several countries have flags that contain three colors in vertical stripes.
The Nordic Cross features in flags of Scandinavia
Draw the flags of: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Östergötland
- The small flags are 75 by 50.
- The squares on the left are 20 by 20.
- The line width is 10.
function drawFlag(ctx){ }
function drawFlag(ctx){ function nordic(x,y,b,f){ ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.fillStyle = b; ctx.fillRect(0,0,75,50); ctx.fillStyle = f; ctx.fillRect(20,0,10,50); ctx.fillRect(0,20,75,10); ctx.translate(-x,-y); } nordic(10,10,'blue','yellow'); nordic(95,10,'red','white'); nordic(10,70,'white','blue'); nordic(95,70,'yellow','blue'); }
Horizontal stripes
Several countries have flags that contain several horizontal stripes.
Draw the flags of: Poland, Costa Rica, Columbia, Estonia, Mauritius
- The small flags are 75 by 48.
- Put the four flags at (10,10) (95,10) (10,70) and (95,70)
- It may be useful to have two adjacent same-colour stripes.
function drawFlag(ctx){ }
function drawFlag(ctx){ let w = 75; let h = 48; function stripes(x,y,cl){ ctx.translate(x,y); cl.forEach((c,i)=>{ ctx.fillStyle = c; ctx.fillRect(0,i*h/cl.length,75,h/cl.length); }); ctx.translate(-x,-y); } stripes(10,10,['white','red']); stripes(95,10,['yellow','yellow','blue','red']); stripes(10,70,['blue','white','red','red','white','blue']); stripes(95,70,['red','blue','yellow','green']); }
More Nordic crosses
The Nordic Cross features in flags of Scandinavia
Draw the flags of: Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Orkney
- The small flags are 75 by 50. The line width is 6 with a border of 2 each side
- The positions are (10,10) (95,10) (10,70) (95,70)
nordic(10,10,'red','white','blue'); nordic(95,10,'blue','white','red'); nordic(10,70,'white','blue','red'); nordic(95,70,'red','yellow','blue');
function drawFlag(ctx){ }
function drawFlag(ctx){ let w = 75; let h = 50; function nordic(x,y,b,e,s){ ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.fillStyle = b; ctx.fillRect(0,0,w,h); ctx.fillStyle = e; ctx.fillRect(20,0,10,h); ctx.fillRect(0,20,75,10); ctx.fillStyle = s; ctx.fillRect(22,0,6,h); ctx.fillRect(0,22,w,6); ctx.translate(-x,-y); } nordic(10,10,'red','white','blue'); nordic(95,10,'blue','white','red'); nordic(10,70,'white','blue','red'); nordic(95,70,'red','yellow','blue'); }